Just a quick note to you for your classes to alleviate any concerns when using the Technology.   


You may clean the outside case of the Chromebook, and the keyboards with antibacterial wipes so long as you squeeze any excess liquid off the wipe prior to use. 1 wipe can do 2 machines, if you flip it over after cleaning the first Chromebook.

DO NOT however use the wipes on the touchscreen 

Smart Board &/or Clevertouch Boards

The pens on both can be wiped down with wipes provided you again squeeze excess moisture out of the wipe.

DO NOT use wipes on Touchboard or Touchscreen's 
(Dana is working on getting some cleaner that will be available in the library, she may already have it)

Keyboards & mice

Any wipes can be used. 

Mitel Phones

Any wipes can safely be used so long as you remove excess moisture and avoid the screen.

Any questions please let me know.